Can you hear me?
I just want to know
If anyone out there knows
Who I am
I’m not the girl you think
My heart has died
I can’t feel anymore
Not like I used to
My body contracts without tears
I’ve been here too many years
Would you recognize me
If you saw me now?
I don’t know.
I barely see the light of day
They tell me to stay and I do
Not because I want to
But because my will perished long ago
The only will I have is the will to live
But even that is fading away.
Am I anything anymore?
Does my voice make a sound
As I lay here on the ground?
What’s this I hear?
What’s this I feel?
A tear, pushing itself through?
It can’t be, no!
I won’t cry, I won’t grasp hope
I used to do that
Until I started to believe what’s real
That I will never be saved.
I’m a daughter?
My father disowned me
Nobody loves me.
But I feel your hand
It’s gentle
Is it really for me?
You love me you say
You love me, is it true?
Don’t do this to me
My heart is already torn in two!
I’m rescued, I’m saved!
I never believed in this day,
But you broke the chains
I am breathing again
Oh it’s been so long
Can I ever be
The little girl I once was?
That and more, you say
And I trust you