Without you I am lost
I won’t count the cost
I won’t even jump in
In being safe I think I win
But why do I feel disturbed?
Why am I not at rest
When I hold back,
When I don’t let my heart be tested?
I am born for danger
I was made for risk
Your purpose is my calling
It costs a lot
But I can do nothing less
Save me from myself
Help me flee from safety
For if I don’t get out of the boat
I’ll be handicapped for life
Imprisoned by mere thoughts
Lies that only have power
If they are believed
The truth is where I stand
Therefore I can walk hand in hand
With you, Father
Confident, fearless
Stepping out at every chance
Living out my destiny
And held close to your heart
I in you and you in me
This is where I’m meant to be.