I just want to write this post to give a shout out to an incredibly talented author named Tosca Lee. Today, her paperback version of Iscariot is out, and I highly recommend you go grab a copy! It is a book about the life of Judas written in first person.
So here is a little bit about why I love Tosca's writing. First of all, she has a way with words that is both poetic and simple at the same time. It's not so poetic that it's hard to understand, but the way she strings words together really creates a beautiful masterpiece. It's like listening to well-performed harmony. Secondly, I love when she writes in the first person. She has been able to portray characters so in depth in ways we haven't thought of them before. I know she does a ton of research for her historical books, so a lot of work and thought goes into her character creations, and it just shows!
Another thing I like about Tosca's writing and why I believe it is so unique is because she explores chracters that are notorious or perhaps have been looked over or have had a bad reputation, but she helps us to see them in a new light. Basically, it makes you think. And that's good, especially when it comes to the Bible. Because so often we either skim over the stories and the characters so we don't get any sense of personality or motivation for these people's actions; or we just go by the Bible stories told to us when we were children, which hardly ever give us a wide or a deep perspective.
You may think the hero of the story, or the main character, needs to be redeemable. Tosca takes a risky approach and writes about characters such as a demon, Eve(the first woman/also the first sinner), and Judas(who is known for betraying Jesus to death.) I appreciate her endeavor to reveal more about these characters primarily because one: they are human and we can relate to some of their feelings and motives(excluding the demon;)), and two: they help to portray the other characters around them in a new light.
I love the book Demon because essentially it is about a demon telling a man the story of Lucifer's fall from Heaven and the creation of the world and man from his bitter perspective. Even though this demon is hateful and cynical, the story he tells is true, and it helped me to be even more grateful for what Jesus has done for us. This demon character's version of the story reveals how much God loves people and the lengths he went to in order to redeem his prized creation, and how audacious that is. The demon is angry about it because he has not received the same favor, but I am left with a sense of wonder and gratefulness for God's mercy as a reader.
The book called Havah is the story of Eve from her creation to her death. I enjoyed this book because it was fascinating to me to grasp what her life might have been like from start to finish with all that she went through. It helps us connect with the first woman on a more personal level, as we journey from her days in bliss in the garden of Eden, to her and Adam's banishment, to them starting their family and living life with this sense of loss because they are no longer in paradise. It was also very interesting to see how, because she lived so much longer than we do now, she saw several generations of her lineage be born. I mean, everyone on Earth came from her. I've never thought about Eve and Adam that in depth until I read this novel.
And finally, I love the book Iscariot, which is about Judas, because it explores his early life as well as some of the possible motivations for his decision to follow Jesus as well as to betray him later. It makes us think about it differently, that maybe his motivation was not what we think. Judas was a man who loved Jesus, just like us. This book makes you ask the question, would I have done the same thing he did? I also appreciate the character development in this book and how we get to see Judas' life from childhood to his death. He is a very well-rounded character. And last of all, my favorite thing about this novel is how it reveals Jesus in such a personal way. Judas, of course, was one of the disciples, who were Jesus' closest followers. I love how Tosca potrays the intimate friendship the disciples shared with Jesus. It made me feel closer to him as well, just to see how real and human Jesus was to his friends.
The last reason you should read Tosca's books is that she co-authored an incredible trilogy called The Books of Mortals with author Ted Dekker, who is a New York Times Bestselling author and pretty much my favorite. ;) Anyone brilliant enough to write alongside Ted Dekker is worth reading in my opinion. But she is good on her own anyway!!
Alright, so if you actually got through this, congratulations! And now go buy one or all of Tosca Lee's books! http://www.toscalee.com/
While you're visiting her website, make sure to sign up for her newsletter, where there are give-aways, bonus chapters to read, and a free magazine subscription. Go for it!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Why I Write
I write because I believe
words have the power to create. In the beginning, it was words that made the
mountains spring up and the flowers unfold. It was words that shed light into
what was once only darkness. It was the Word Himself who came to show us what
life and love really mean. The Word becoming flesh: the Word creating life.
am convinced that our words and our stories literally have the creative power
to restore what has been broken, to birth new callings and identities, and to instigate
encounters with the Creator Himself. They have the ability to awaken dormant
dreams and change the course of a person heading for destruction. I write
because stories have awakened me in ways that have left me changed forever, in
the best way possible. And I want to be a part of that. Stories show us that we
are not alone in this life. Characters remind us that there are countless
others out there who share our pains, our joys, and some of our experiences.
Stories incite the imagination, and imagination possesses the power to help us
become. Become that person we were always intended to be from the beginning.
Stories call us to adventure, and words paint pictures in our minds that make
us think of greater places. They help show us what we really care about and the
beauty we were fashioned to enjoy.

single word carries with it a seed, and when sowed in the right place and time,
that seed can grow into something so much more significant than the sight of
that word in the first place. Words strung together in the proper harmony
create life and can reveal truth. They can show us circumstances we’ve always
thought of a certain way from a new perspective. New perspectives breed growth
and change.
write because God has given me words, and if I don’t write they will remain caged
up inside where they will produce nothing. The gift of writing give wings to
the influence my Creator wants to have through my life. Writing has also given
me a way to commune with my Savior and worship Him. It is both a gift He has
given me as a way to know Him better as well as a gift to be given away.
write because there are more stories to be told and poems to be written to
match the beating of people’s hearts or refurbish a rhythm that has diverged
from its original beauty. I write because I was created to write, and I feel my
Creator’s pleasure when I do it.
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