There once lived a squirrel who wanted to fly. He had heard of flying squirrels before and dreamed of becoming one himself someday. The only problem was that they were not known to live in the area in which he lived. One day as the squirrel was climbing up his favorite tree, he saw a beautiful and rare sight that caught his eye. Could it be? Yes, it was a hummingbird! Wait, he thought to himself. There are no hummingbirds in this part of the country. Where did she come from? The squirrel watched in wonder as those wings fluttered nearly a hundred times per second and longed for his own set of wings. He asked the hummingbird how she learned to fly, to which she responded, “Well, I simply watched other hummingbirds do it and believed I could too!” With that, a determination rose in the squirrel and he rushed to the end of the branch. “I will be a flying squirrel!” he shouted out to no one in particular. And with that he leapt off the branch and flew all the way to a branch on the other tree. In that moment, the squirrel’s dreams had become a reality. He defied all odds and became a flying squirrel.
-“Seeing is the first step to being.”
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