Dance the dance of love and worship. Worship: adoring reverence or regard. To dance my heart out for the King would be my greatest joy, because I love him more than anything. But what about the dance of life? Do I dance to my own tune? Do I withold my heart and soul from giving all when God's song is played? Why am I not satisfied? Because I am not dancing His dance. Because I am not giving everything. To dance with everything until my knees give way and I collapse to the floor would be "leaving everything on the field." In my life, do I do that? What if I were to live that way, leaving nothing? Becoming completely weak every day because I spent everything, only to be filled up again and again because I have been faithful. Talk about glorious living! Eden living! I want to see how God really first intended man to live; then I want to live that way. With all my heart I want to live that way.
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