How do we make a difference in this world? Are you willing to go somewhere with me? Who needs to be loved today? Can you think of anyone? Who feels worthless, unlovable, and dirty? You are the same. You are. The only difference may be that you know that you are loved and have a purpose and a place here on this planet. But do you really know? Because if you did, maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to love those who think no one will ever truly love them. Love the unlovely. I may be bold, but I can almost guarantee you this will set you free in a way that nothing else ever can. Look for the treasure amongst the dirt. What you find may astonish you—it may open up your heart in ways you have never anticipated or even wanted. It might hurt, yes. But you have to ask yourself if loving someone is worth the pain. God Himself did. And the answer was yes. How can we act any differently than the King of this world? In His reality, embracing the filthy, the smelly, the ugly, and the lowly is true nobility. So before you ever call yourself a child of the King again, a prince or a princess of the Kingdom, please, let me challenge you by having you ask yourself these questions: Who am I loving today? And am I loving them because it is easy, or have I chosen, like the One who has done the same for me, to love even the ones that may hate me or have no lovely quality about them? Don’t get me wrong, I myself am challenged by this most noble of callings. But I must be found faithful to my God, who gave everything for me.
I loved reading this and love that you challenged us. It's so right and I really need to remember this, especially this year. Love you.