What do you see?
What do you see??
Do you see my heart beating?
I feel it is dead
It is dead without Him
So please don’t see me
My weakness so plain
It weighs on my soul
But why do I care
If it’s for You, I’m told?
I want to be held
I want to be loved
I can only do so much
I’ve got to give up
Being loved is enough
Knowing Him is enough
I want to please Him
But I already do
My heart must believe
My soul must give in
To His relentless faithfulness
In the face of my reckless sin
My heart is so hard
I have a critical eye
I have negative words
My flesh needs to die
But You never fail
You’re strong and unmoved
So I am still used
I can’t comprehend
Your love so vast
It’s hard to believe
That You look past
But I guess to be
A good person at all
I’ve got to believe
That You are All
I always enjoy your writing. Thank you for being a creative vessel that the Lord can speak through. :) I love you and miss you bunches.