This is to remind myself of why I'm pursuing the training and to keep God's dream alive.
I dance because movement stirs the atmosphere. It awakens dreams and purpose, and it exposes desires of the heart. Dance changes things. It breaks chains and releases freedom instead. When I dance at times I can feel God’s breath, his heartbeat, or his very movements. When we move together, there’s no telling what could happen! There is power when we dance with God, when we dance the moves he tells us to. I dance because it speaks. It tells testimonies, stories, declares victories, and shouts beauty. I dance because my King loves it when I worship with my full self. Not only with my heart and mind, but with all my strength. I dance because I can feel his delight, because I am his daughter. I dance because he told me to, and when I keep dancing when he says to keep dancing, I don’t want to stop. Dance carries momentum; it unifies. It softens hard hearts. It breaks down walls. When I dance, I am free, and my movements have powerful potential to set others free. This is why I dance.
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