Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why I Write

I write because I believe words have the power to create. In the beginning, it was words that made the mountains spring up and the flowers unfold. It was words that shed light into what was once only darkness. It was the Word Himself who came to show us what life and love really mean. The Word becoming flesh: the Word creating life.

            I am convinced that our words and our stories literally have the creative power to restore what has been broken, to birth new callings and identities, and to instigate encounters with the Creator Himself. They have the ability to awaken dormant dreams and change the course of a person heading for destruction. I write because stories have awakened me in ways that have left me changed forever, in the best way possible. And I want to be a part of that. Stories show us that we are not alone in this life. Characters remind us that there are countless others out there who share our pains, our joys, and some of our experiences. Stories incite the imagination, and imagination possesses the power to help us become. Become that person we were always intended to be from the beginning. Stories call us to adventure, and words paint pictures in our minds that make us think of greater places. They help show us what we really care about and the beauty we were fashioned to enjoy.

            Every single word carries with it a seed, and when sowed in the right place and time, that seed can grow into something so much more significant than the sight of that word in the first place. Words strung together in the proper harmony create life and can reveal truth. They can show us circumstances we’ve always thought of a certain way from a new perspective. New perspectives breed growth and change.

            I write because God has given me words, and if I don’t write they will remain caged up inside where they will produce nothing. The gift of writing give wings to the influence my Creator wants to have through my life. Writing has also given me a way to commune with my Savior and worship Him. It is both a gift He has given me as a way to know Him better as well as a gift to be given away.

            I write because there are more stories to be told and poems to be written to match the beating of people’s hearts or refurbish a rhythm that has diverged from its original beauty. I write because I was created to write, and I feel my Creator’s pleasure when I do it.

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