Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chasing Demons Away

Being pursued by a malevolent force that you know you can’t escape is the most terrifying thing to experience. There’ s no way out. The horror of that thought is like death. When you know the one after you is more powerful than any effort on your part, you are lost.

How do I know? Well, I don’t, not really. But I’ve gotten a taste of it in some dreams I have had, like last night. In short, in the dream there was a man who I knew did not have good intentions towards me, so I hid away from where he was in fear. But he knew where to find me, so he came and I couldn’t get away. He started asking me random questions and I had to answer, but I knew he was not just a nice person, so I tried to hurt him. It didn’t faze him; instead he responded with, “You underestimate my power.” Basically he then proceeded to tell me my death was imminent, and would be by his hands. There was nothing I could do.

But I woke up thinking, there is actually one hope left in that kind of situation—Jesus. I will always have him to look out for me, and He is more powerful than any human or force of evil that may try to assail me. I can always cling to that.

But what about the little girls and women who are hunted every day and forced into a life of sexual slavery that may as well be death? There is hope for them, but they can’t see it. They are like me in that dream except without the knowledge that there is one greater who is able to rescue them. What a nightmare.

One of the primary differences between those of us who know Christ and those who don’t is our hope. These girls and women are literally living a nightmare. They are trapped with no way to escape.

Unless the impossible happens.

Unless someone hears and is willing to break into their world. Unless the people of God rise up to chase away their demons and bring them back into the waking world, where terrors cannot stalk them anymore. Where they are home and safe.

When I think of what it must be like for them, the utter darkness and hopelessness that so many of these modern-day slaves live in, my heart breaks and is moved to do more. I’m not going to tell you what to do about it; neither am I going to try and come up with a solution or a strategy of my own. But what I do propose we do and not stop doing is lifting up this issue to God in earnest prayer, asking him for the strategies and acting on what we hear.

This is real and it is happening to so many more precious lives than we realize. Let’s not be silent, for our God is more powerful! We should not underestimate the power of our Enemy, but we should not allow him to immobilize us either with fear or hopelessness. There is always a life to be saved, and you can do something about it.

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