Saturday, December 29, 2012

Living your Story

Am I living a great story? In reading different blogs and books lately, I keep running across this question. As a storyteller, am I myself living a great story?

I should be.

I have some goals in my life right now, one of the major ones being to become a published author, a creator of stories. But what if I never get published? Does that mean I am not a storyteller? No—I will keep writing stories no matter what, because I am a writer and stories can change the world.

But is my life going to be about telling  stories or living a story? I want to know how to live a good story. What my life should be filled with outside my writing time, and how that life pours into my writing time, because it’s all of part of who I am. What lives am I affecting when I sit at home on a Christmas break, when I go out to run errands, or when I just dance in my room? Am I affecting lives other than my own? That is the question that runs deep in all of us I think.

I don’t have all the answers, and I can’t tell you I’m necessarily spending my time as I should, treating people how they should be treated, and living a good story. But I want to.

And then today I thought Maybe living a great story has more to do with how in love I am with God than with anything else. Now that’s a thought. Maybe the more I fall in love, the more real and exciting and purposeful my story will be. I think this is more true than I can see right now. I felt like God wanted me to read part of Song of Solomon this morning, like He just wanted me to know how much he longs for me, for my presence and my love.

Could it be that simple? To live a great story is to live a life in love with the Creator? What else could be the key, really? Isn’t this what makes us come most alive?

In the midst of my storytelling and story living, I desire to be constantly aware of God’s love. If I am, who knows who might come alive today?

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